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Den evige kampen for å få lov til å ta kosttilskudd


janmesi sa for siden:

Poster her siste nytt fra Alliance for Natural Health, som kjent slåss de mot planene til EU der kosttilskudd og vitaminer nærmest tas tilbake til steinalderen. EU ønsker nye regler der max doseringene kommer til å bli mer enn halvert, samt lage det svært vanskelig å registrere nye preparater ...

Dear Jan,
Launch of new fund-raising site
The return from the holiday season sees the ANH ramping up our fund-raising activities on the run-up to the final stage of the legal challenge to the Food Supplements Directive (FSD) in the High Court in London. To make it even easier to donate, and for those of you who wish your funds be dedicated to this aspect of our campaign in particular, we have launched www.anhfund.org. Follow the link and get a sneak preview of the new look and feel of the new ANH website to be launched later this year.
In future you will find all our campaigns listed here so that you can direct your donations to specific areas of interest and see the result of our combined fund-raising efforts as the ‘barometers’ fill up. Don’t forget that you’ve already helped us to raise a quarter of a million pounds Sterling for the campaign to date – and we have now received the first £6,000 of the £40,000 (US$76,200; €59,400) required for the final stage of the legal action. On our own, the ANH comprises a small group of experts, passionate and committed, but with no financial means to act – with your help, we become an unstoppable force!
European plans to outlaw therapeutic nutrients
This month’s hot topic, as consultation with the European Commission and the UK Food Standards Agency nears its completion, is the issue of maximum permitted levels in food/dietary supplements. This can also be seen as a very clever way of using a misplaced safety argument to ban any nutrient that could be used in place of a drug – without side-effects! Industry has been invited by the European Commission, via each Member State’s competent authority, to comment on this crucial issue by 30th September 2006. We summarise below:
[img]file:///C:/DOCUME1/FG019066/LOCALS1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] The ANH has been at the forefront of demonstrating the flawed science behind the risk assessment methods being contemplated by European regulators for use on nutrients. These flawed methods are in our view the single biggest threat to our continued ability to use nutrients therapeutically. If we don’t change things now, we will effectively be forcing future generations to limit their healthcare options to drugs over nutrients and herbs.
[img]file:///C:/DOCUME1/FG019066/LOCALS1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] Few people seem to have their heads firmly around this intricate issue and admittedly, apart from being a lot less emotive than many of the current campaign issues, it is a deeply complex scientific conundrum.
[img]file:///C:/DOCUME1/FG019066/LOCALS1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] Putting this issue in the ‘too hard basket’ is not an option. In a nutshell, the current risk assessment models are based around the precautionary principle and they massively overestimate risk for many nutrient forms. They use arbitrary uncertainty factors, and over-emphasise sensitivity. They also cluster diverse nutrient forms into nutrient groups (such as vitamin A, D and E, or zinc, selenium, chromium or iron) so that the maximum level of the most toxic form is imposed on all other forms in the same group.
[INDENT] o eg, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is rapidly being recognised as a powerful anticancer pre-hormone when used daily in doses of 2000 IU (50 mcg) and above. Bear in mind your body will synthesise 20,000 IU naturally when exposed to an hour or so of summer sunshine assuming you’re in your swimming kit or less. Under the current model of risk assessment, the more toxic form of the group, vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), found in most high street supplements, is used to set the upper safe limit according to the adverse effects related to D2. To the lay person this might seem reasonable, but in practice it means that the proposed maximum permitted level for vitamin D3 might end up around 200 IU, the level as set by the German Risk Assessment Institute (BfR), one of the leading European bodies driving risk assessment in Europe. This will seriously reduce the therapeutic range of D3 – and the same problem can be demonstrated for a host of other nutrients.
[/INDENT]We will be continuing our work in this area via the submission to the European Commission at the end of September and through Dr Verkerk’s contribution to the Electronic Working Group on Risk Assessment for the Codex Alimentarius Commission. We have some key developments in this field in the pipe-line and in future eBlasts we will be able to communicate developments from the coal face – watch this space!
Your urgent ACTION is needed
The ANH needs to raise £40,000 (US$76,200; €59,400) to return to the High Court in London, to finalise our lawsuit against the EU Food Supplements Directive. We also still need your support to help fund the 14 other projects we are running concurrently.
A reminder of the ways in which you can make sure your continued support can make the difference:
[img]file:///C:/DOCUME1/FG019066/LOCALS1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] DONATE MONEY – please consider doing this on a regular monthly basis through a standing order (UK) or Worldpay (worldwide) or sending a cheque (details below).
Thank you again to those of you who give of your invaluable donations and support on a regular and/or spontaneous basis. Your donations don’t have to be large to make a difference.
Cheques can be sent (in GB pounds, US dollars or Euros) payable to the ‘Alliance for Natural Health’ to the Alliance for Natural Health, The Atrium, Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1XA, United Kingdom, or, alternatively, please donate using our secure server via our website.
In health,
The ANH Team

Meleni Aldridge
Development Manager
The Atrium, Curtis Road
Dorking, Surrey RH4 1XA
tel +44 (0)1306 646600
dir +44 (0)1306 646550
fax +44 (0)1306 646552
mob +44 (0)7771 750230
email [EMAIL="[email protected]"="[email protected]"][email protected]
[/EMAIL]web www.alliance-natural-health.org

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