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Betta sa for siden:

Boka forteller hvordan du kan gå ned i vekt ved å kontrollere karbohydratinntaket og øke mengden proteiner og fett i maten du spiser. Boka inneholder en rekke oppskrifter på frokost, lunsj, middag, supper og salater. Du får også forslag til isometriske øvelser (statisk trening) for ytterligere å forme figuren. Har register. © FS Informasjonstjenester

Til salgs hos Bokkilden, fant den ikke hos Haugen bok.

Her er hva forfatteren kan skilte med:
Dr Charles Clark is an international authority on glaucoma and diabetes. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and a Professor at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Slik omtales den på Amazon.com:
Finnes også på Amazon.co.uk, med kokebok til.

The New High Protein Diet : How to Lose Fat the Quicker, Safer, Easier Way-and Never Go Hungry
by Charles Clark (Author)

see larger photoList Price: $14.95 Price: $10.47 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. See details. You Save: $4.48 (30%)

6 used & new from $10.42

Best Book on low carb eating, January 14, 2004
Reviewer: A reader from Southern Calfiornia I love this book.

This low carb eating plan was written by a doctor from the UK (Scotland), and in my opinion, it's the best one out there. I live in the United States and came across a blurb about this book on the internet, and knew IMMEDIATELY this was the eating plan for me. Unlike Atkins, you are allowed generous (unlimited) amounts of low-starch vegetables. You are allowed all the protein and good fats you want. The book goes into great detail about this, written in a simple, non-pretentious, easy-to-understand manner by a well respected MD.

I liked this book so much, I ordered the cookbook through amazon.com uk website! It's great! Because I am an Amercian, it's great fun researching the different foods available in the UK, and what their American counterparts might be! This book reinforces his first book. I will also order from amazon.com UK, his new book based on eating out and convenience foods and lowcarbing. I wish amazon.com here in the States would stock that book, because I am spending a fortune on overseas mail! Overall, Dr. Clark's book(s) are an educational enjoyable, read, making lowcarbing fun in the process. I wish they'd catch on in the States!!

A Common Sense approach to Low Carbing, June 5, 2003
Reviewer: A reader from Shrewsbury, Shropshire United Kingdom I found this book and plan much easier to get in to than Dr Atkins. As a Brit, I like the no nonsense, no bragging approach to this diet. You don't have to go through all the pains, headeaches and strict regime of Atkins to still get great results! An excellent book .Also his carb counting book is great, as well as his cookbook.


Iset sa for siden:

Jippi det går fremover med lavkarbo på det norske markedet!!!! :yiiha:
Nå MÅ vel snart myndighetene innse at slaget er tapt thihi!


Nille sa for siden:

Det er flott denne har kommet på norsk ! Takk for tipset !
Kjenner flere i England (Atkinsere) som bruker denne for å få tips til matretter etc. "Dietten" er forresten ganske lik Atkins Maintenance.... Dermed ikke så ulik Lindberg heller... De forteller alle de samme tingen, bare på forskjellig måte !

Fin bok ! Skal prøve ! :)


Kanel sa for siden:

Hmm, kanskje jeg skal prøve å lese den?
Har igrunnen mange bøker om temaet, men de fleste er uleste
Takk for tipset!!

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