Thea1980 sa for siden:
[LEFT]KK og Dailymail skriver om hvordan fett i meieriprodukter som melk, smør, ost og yoghurt samt kjøttprodukter kan beskytte mot diabetes type II. Begge artiklene bygger på forskningsresultater publisert i Annals of Internal Medicine.[/LEFT]
Fra artikkelen:"Conclusion:
Circulating trans-palmitoleate is associated with lower[LEFT]
[LEFT]insulin resistance, presence of atherogenic dyslipidemia, and incident
diabetes. Our findings may explain previously observed metabolic
benefits of dairy consumption and support the need for[/LEFT]
detailed further experimental and clinical investigation."
"In bivariate (unadjusted) analyses (Table 1),
circulating trans-palmitoleate levels were associated with (...) less alcohol use,
[LEFT]modestly higher total fat intake, modestly lower carbohydrate
and low-fat dairy consumption, and greater consumption
of whole-fat dairy foods and red meat."[/LEFT]
Godt nytt for lavkarbotilhengere. Et lite bidrag til fokus på mer inntak av fett i kampen mot livsstilssykdommene?