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Myter om kokosolje


lillefixen sa for siden:

En amerikansk ernæringsfysiolog om kokosolje. Herlig lesning :D

Let's put some of the MYTHS about coconut oil to rest right now.

Myth #1 - Coconut Oil contains a lot of fat so it must be fattening.
Truth - Not all fat makes you fat (I want to get this tattooed on my forehead). Certain fats do cause weight gain, but other good fats will actually burn unwanted fat off your body and accelerate your metabolism.

Myth #2 - Coconut Oil contains almost all saturated fat so it must be bad for you.
Truth - Saturated Fat is not the cause of heart disease, weight gain and high cholesterol. Saturated Fat has been falsely accused and it is SUGAR that is Enemy Numero Uno (It is worse than the Joker in Bat Man).

Myth #3 - Coconut Oil should be avoided by those who are at risk for heart disease .
Truth - The fat in coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils you can consume (yes, even for those with heart disease). It is rich in lauric acid, which is known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties and contains no trans fat. The saturated fat in coconut oil is different than many other oils in that it is of the medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) variety. The body digests MCFAs more easily and sends these fats directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy. Now isn't that great? A fat that is used to make energy instead of storing it on our bodies. We can all use some of that.

I highly recommend everyone use unrefined, organic coconut oil for all of their cooking needs.


Debz sa for siden:

Dette er bra men kan du svare på det som er uthevet?? Jeg trodde vi skulle spise masse fett uansett typen...:confused:


Øystein sa for siden:

Dette stemmer ikke, det er ikke fett som gjør at vi lagrer fett, men det finnes fett som ikke er bra for oss. transfett som margarin består av feks.


Debz sa for siden:

ah..ok, takk :) Det visste jeg egentlig men tankene selvfølgelig går over til kjøtt...gamle vaner skjønner du :o


lillefixen sa for siden:

Det er transfett hun mener :)


Photobscura sa for siden:

Men legger jo ikke på seg av transfett alene, men det er ganske uheldig for kroppen og blodårene, skaper betennelsestilstander etc.

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