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er jeg i ketose tro ?


hannahgamlem sa for siden:

Bare for å være helt sikker. denne ketose stixen, hvist det er utslag på denne i det hele tatt- er jeg da i ketose, for hos meg har det beveget seg fra lilla til litt mer rosa i fargen, men jeg er fortsatt i ketose, eller ?


Nille sa for siden:

Ja, du er i ketose om du har utslag - uansett hvilken farge det er !



Ziggy sa for siden:

Legger inn her en melding jeg sendte til AJN om ketose og OE, og ikke minst bruken av ketostixene...

Tror det er flere som vil få seg en overraskelse her...:D :D :D


Nille sa for siden:

:ja: Dette er ingen overraskelse, det er gjentatt flere ganger her inne, bare ikke så detaljert om hvorfor ! mange er i ketose uten utslag og mange som får utslag på stix tar ikke av. Stixene er kune en indikator og jeg anbefaler dem absolutt ikke ..... men det er heller ingen overraskelse :p

Forklaringen din har jeg forresten lest i en bok som heter "GO-Diet" av Dr. Jack Goldberg og Karen O'Mara. Står mye kjekt i den boka.........


Nille sa for siden:

[quote=Dr. Jack Goldberg og Karen O'Mara]In times of carbohydrate starvation, when fats are being chopped up for energy, there is an excess of the Acetyl-CoA which gets shunted off into an alternative pathway in the mitochondria and ends up as compounds called "ketone bodies" and carbon dioxide.

There are two main ketone bodies produced. One is called 'acetoacetic acid' and the other is named 'beta-hydroxybutyric acid' (HBA). Acetoacetic acid can spontaneously breakdown to form acetone and this is the compound which gives people on this diet a faint, but distint smell on their breath. Other low carbohydrate diets advocate the use of ketosticks to detect these ketones in the urine, as a sign that you are really burning fats. However, these sticks, which are expensive, only detect the acetoacetic acid and acetone, which are less than one fifth of the ketones produced. The HBA goes totally undetected by this test. Many people never produce enough acetoacetic acid to cause these sticks to turn colour, yet testing their blood for HBA shows plenty of ketones.

We would therefore suggest that you ignore the use of ketosticks. It may be interesting for you to use it as a check for ketosis, but it has nothing to do with your rate of weight loss. We have seen people positive for urine ketones who don't lose weight, and people who are negative for ketones rapidly losing weight. ............

One final word about ketones. People will tell you that producing ketones is dangerous for the body. This is just misinformation. They are confusing the ketogenic diet with ketoacidosis, which occurs in uncontolled diabetics. This diet does not produce ketoacidosis.

Ketones may have two bad side effects. The first is the ketone headache. When you begin a ketogenic diet, or when you fast without food or water, the ketones can build up to a level that can affect the brain. The brain can use ketones as a fuel, but it normally doesn't get may ketones. Its's like a factory that makes apple juice. Squeezing the fruit, and filtering it, is geared to handling apples. Suppose there were no more apples, but a convoy of trucks came by carrying grapes. It shouldn't take long to convert that factory to efficiently handle the grapes to make grape juice, but it will take a short peroiod of adjustment to tool up for the special processes that efficient squeezing the grapes will need. Its the same with the brain. It can handle ketones, but it takes a day or two for the machinery to gear up to handle the load. During that time you may get the ketotic headache. It goes away all by itself. Drinking plenty of liquides helps, and if all else fails, an over the counter headache pill will work. Even when fully on the diet, if you don't drink enough water, you can get an occasional ketotic headache.
The ketones have one or two very pleasant side effects. They give you a sense of well-being and they suppress your appetite. .....

One high carbohydrate meal will remove all of the ketones from your body very rapidly. It can take a day or two to get back to where you were. Since you won't have the ketones, you will probably eat more and stop your weight loss, at least temporarily. If you eat two or more consecutive high carbohydrate meals, you will start the weight piling back on and you must return to the first phase transistion diet to get back on track. Even if this happens don't lose faith in yourself. Sure you had a moment of weakness, but you did it once and you can get back on track. [/quote]

Skal oversette en gang.........men ikke nå............


Ziggy sa for siden:


Tror vi er enige om mang og meget jeg, Nille!!!! :ja:


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