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Hva er din riktige alder?


Photobscura sa for siden:

Dette er en nøysom test som tar for seg den alderen kroppen din er i, i forhold til hvordan du behandler den, og hva du har av sykdommer etc...
Den er til og med lavkarbo-fremmende:D


Jeg må si meg meget fornøyd, dog jeg har noen forbedringspotensialer!
Grow Youthful Biological Age Quiz Results.

Your chronological age is 27

Your biological age is 28

The way that you are currently living your life should mean that your rate of aging and your level of health is average. You are likely to look and feel as good as most other people your age

    You should have a level of energy, strength, vitality, mental and emotional stability, resistance to disease and general         well-being that match the general population

Every person is different when it comes to health and aging, with degenerative diseases (such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, depression, etc) manifesting at the weakest points in the body. As the years go by, your risk of suffering from one or more degenerative diseases is what our society would regard as 'normal', but significantly higher than what you could achieve under optimal conditions. Grow Youthful provides hundreds of tips on how to slow your rate of aging and enjoy total health - even at age 27, and particularly in your state of health!

General Health. You are aging at a rate faster than you need to

Immune System. Your immune system is not functioning as well as it could be, scope for improvement

Toxic Load. You are suffering from a high toxic load on your body

Body Fat / Weight. Changes in your weight and body fat have been well maintained, but scope for improvement

Exercise. Scope for improvement

Stress / Expectations. A different outlook on life will slow your rate of aging and improve your health

Food & Digestion. Excellent

Gender Specific. A good result but not yet performing and enjoying some of Grow Youthful's recommendations

BMI: 26.2. You are overweight. If you want a long life and good health, you need to gain muscle bulk in order to lose fat. Forget the bathroom scales - you may actually put on weight at first, as you start to exercise and gain muscle bulk. A lower carbohydrate, higher protein diet will assist while you are gaining muscle bulk. Grow Youthful will help with changing the dietary, exercise and many other aspects of your life developing a pleasureable and enduring new way of living with a slim, energetic, good looking, long-lived body


Aline sa for siden:

jeg er visst egentlig 27 og overvektig, men det siste visste jeg jo :D


Huldr sa for siden:

Sånt tør jeg ikke prøve meg på i nuværende tilstand ... Satser på å bli yngre og yngre de nærmeste to årene og ende opp som 27-åring! (og ikke 37 som jeg vil være da ...) :p ;)


Gamla sa for siden:

Må vel si meg fornøyd med å være normal!!:p

Grow Youthful Biological Rate of Aging Quiz Results.

Average. Your outlook on life and your lifestyle indicates that your health and rate of ageing is likely to be average. You are 'normal' according to the expectations of most people and institutions in modern society

A normal rate of ageing also means you will probably suffer from a 'normal' level of degenerative diseases such as obesity, depression, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, wild mood and energy swings, skin inflammations, cancers and so on

Your answers indicate that you usually follow the values and practices of modern society and the way most other people live. If you maintain this way of living, you will probably continue to age and suffer diseases at the rate that insurance companies, friends and acquaintances expect you to. However, if you really want to slow your rate of aging, please read Grow Youthful


Hyper sa for siden:

Grow Youthful Biological Age Quiz Results.

Your chronological age is 24

Your biological age is 30

The way that you are currently living your life should mean that you are aging faster than most people in modern society. You are likely to look and feel older than most other people your age. This will be reflected in your level of energy, strength, vitality, mental and emotional stability, resistance to disease and general well-being

Your current rate of aging and risk of degenerative diseases is higher than what most doctors, insurance companies and modern health institutions expect. Every person is different when it comes to health and aging, with degenerative diseases (such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, depression, etc) manifesting at the weakest points in the body. As the years go by, your risk of suffering from one or more degenerative diseases is higher than what our society regards as 'normal', but significantly higher than what you could achieve under optimal conditions. Grow Youthful provides hundreds of tips on how to slow your rate of aging and enjoy total health - even at age 24, and particularly in your state of health!

As a young person, you may not yet be feeling the full effects of your sub-optimal lifestyle. However, by starting anti-aging habits early you have a greater potential to slow your rate of aging and enjoy good health for many decades

General Health. You are aging at a rate faster than you need to

Immune System. Your immune system is not functioning as well as it could be, scope for improvement

Toxic Load. You are suffering from a high toxic load on your body

Body Fat / Weight. Changes in your weight and body fat have been well maintained, but scope for improvement

Exercise. Scope for improvement

Stress / Expectations. A different outlook on life will slow your rate of aging and improve your health

Food & Digestion. Scope for improvement in this crucial area. Without effective digestion the benefits of an excellent diet are wasted. Other positive factors which you may have in your life, such as good exercise, lifestyle and outlook, will also be less effective

Gender Specific. Not yet benefiting from many of Grow Youthful's recommendations

BMI: 25.3. You are on the heavy side of normal. This gives you a reasonable prognosis for longevity and good health, especially if a high proportion of your body weight is muscle rather than fat. However, to optimise your chances of a long life and total health, you could lose a little more body fat. Grow Youthful will help with changing the dietary, exercise and many other aspects of your life developing a pleasureable and enduring new way of living with a slim, energetic, good looking, long-lived body


Hyper sa for siden:

Ikke akkurat fornøyd nei....


Photobscura sa for siden:

Husk på at dette ikke bare er en test men også reklame for en livsstilsgreie.
Men arti med tester lell.:)


donjuanwannabe sa for siden:

Weeks have you been on a weight loss diet in the last 5 years?

Denne var tung å svelge. Jeg har jo vært på slankern konstant i 5 år (og enda mere enn det også)

Jeg var 34 år, 2 år mere enn det jeg egentlig er. Skal bli artig å ta denne testen når jeg er slank. :)

Grow Youthful Biological Age Quiz Results.

Your chronological age is 32

Your biological age is 34

The way that you are currently living your life should mean that you are aging slightly faster than most people in modern society. You are likely to look and feel slightly older than most other people your age. This will be reflected in your level of energy, strength, vitality, mental and emotional stability, resistance to disease and general well-being

Your current rate of aging and risk of degenerative diseases is slightly higher than what most doctors, insurance companies and modern health institutions expect. Every person is different when it comes to health and aging, with degenerative diseases (such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, depression, etc) manifesting at the weakest points in the body. As the years go by, your risk of suffering from one or more degenerative diseases is slightly higher than what our society regards as 'normal', but significantly higher than what you could achieve under optimal conditions. Grow Youthful provides hundreds of tips on how to slow your rate of aging and enjoy total health - even at age 32, and particularly in your state of health!

General Health. You are aging at a rate faster than you need to


Nille sa for siden:

Grow Youthful Biological Age Quiz Results.

Your chronological age is 50

Your biological age is 42

Congratulations! The way that you are currently living your life should slow the rate at which your body is ageing. You should already look, feel and act younger than your chronological age

You seem to be in good physical and mental health, feeling good about both yourself and your body. You should be able to live a fulfulling and independent life

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Anne sa for siden:

Forbedringspotensiale ser jeg...selv om jeg er innenfor normalen:p

Tok den korte testen bare....

Grow Youthful Biological Rate of Aging Quiz Results.

Average. Your outlook on life and your lifestyle indicates that your health and rate of ageing is likely to be average. You are 'normal' according to the expectations of most people and institutions in modern society

A normal rate of ageing also means you will probably suffer from a 'normal' level of degenerative diseases such as obesity, depression, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, wild mood and energy swings, skin inflammations, cancers and so on

Your answers indicate that you usually follow the values and practices of modern society and the way most other people live. If you maintain this way of living, you will probably continue to age and suffer diseases at the rate that insurance companies, friends and acquaintances expect you to. However, if you really want to slow your rate of aging, please read Grow Youthful


jeef-micro sa for siden:

minbiologiske alder er 30, og min kronologiske er 27... kom ikke som noe sjokk det da, etter alle de fordøyelsesspørsmåla:p


Siljevanilje sa for siden:

jeg ble faktisk positivt overraska. har jo hatt mitt å stri med ;)

Your chronological age is 21

Your biological age is 23

The way that you are currently living your life should mean that you are aging slightly faster than most people in modern society. You are likely to look and feel slightly older than most other people your age. This will be reflected in your level of energy, strength, vitality, mental and emotional stability, resistance to disease and general well-being

Your current rate of aging and risk of degenerative diseases is slightly higher than what most doctors, insurance companies and modern health institutions expect. Every person is different when it comes to health and aging, with degenerative diseases (such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, depression, etc) manifesting at the weakest points in the body. As the years go by, your risk of suffering from one or more degenerative diseases is slightly higher than what our society regards as 'normal', but significantly higher than what you could achieve under optimal conditions. Grow Youthful provides hundreds of tips on how to slow your rate of aging and enjoy total health - even at age 21, and particularly in your state of health!

As a young person, you may not yet be feeling the full effects of your sub-optimal lifestyle. However, by starting anti-aging habits early you have a greater potential to slow your rate of aging and enjoy good health for many decades

General Health. Good result with scope for improvement. You are aging at a rate faster than you need to

Immune System. Your immune system is not functioning as well as it could be, scope for improvement

Toxic Load. You are suffering from a high toxic load on your body

Body Fat / Weight. Below average. However, this difficult area will become easy to maintain and less of a concern when the other significant diet and lifestyle variables in Grow Youthful are brought under control

Exercise. Scope for improvement

Stress / Expectations. A good result; a different outlook on life will further slow your rate of aging

Food & Digestion. A good result, but scope for improvement in this crucial area

Gender Specific. Not yet benefiting from many of Grow Youthful's recommendations

BMI: 24.2. You are on the heavy side of normal. This gives you a reasonable prognosis for longevity and good health, especially if a high proportion of your body weight is muscle rather than fat. However, to optimise your chances of a long life and total health, you could lose a little more body fat. Grow Youthful will help with changing the dietary, exercise and many other aspects of your life developing a pleasureable and enduring new way of living with a slim, energetic, good looking, long-lived body


themonk sa for siden:

Wow. Bare 26. Det er jo ikke ille. Men jeg tror egentlig målet er å være ett år yngre enn den kronologiske alderen.

På Arena medisinske senter anslår de biologisk alder ut ifra spytt- og urinprøve. Den gangen var jeg også biologisk sett ett år eldre, men da var jeg adskillig sykere enn det jeg er nå.


Titti sa for siden:

Jeg tok kortversjonen og da fikk jeg ikke vite alderen, fikk bare opp dette:
Grow Youthful Biological Rate of Aging Quiz Results.

Average. Your outlook on life and your lifestyle indicates that your health and rate of ageing is likely to be average. You are 'normal' according to the expectations of most people and institutions in modern society

A normal rate of ageing also means you will probably suffer from a 'normal' level of degenerative diseases such as obesity, depression, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, wild mood and energy swings, skin inflammations, cancers and so on

Your answers indicate that you usually follow the values and practices of modern society and the way most other people live. If you maintain this way of living, you will probably continue to age and suffer diseases at the rate that insurance companies, friends and acquaintances expect you to. However, if you really want to slow your rate of aging, please read Grow Youthful


themonk sa for siden:

Jeg savna noen spørsmål. For eksempel: "Hvor opptatt er du av været?"


Borealis sa for siden:

Tror dette spørreskjemaet, -og ikke minst fortolkning/svar, er VELDIG påvirka av at det er noen som ønsker å selge oss noe....slik at vi blir yngre, og yngre, og....;)

Når det er sagt, klarte jo ikke dy meg, og jeg er også (angivelig) ett år eldre, biologisk sett, enn min kronologiske alder tilsier....pfff!!:kul:


Photobscura sa for siden:

Det er det nok, ja! Måtte jo sjekke nøyere, kom bare over testen ved en tilfeldighet, og ble positivt overraska over nøysomheten ved den.
Og jeg er sånn turnus-hekta på tester :lol:
Grow youthful er en bok som gir råd om hvordan man kan holde seg ung og preventere uøsnkede alderssymptomer som f.eks demens, og gjøre aldring best mulig både utenpå og inni uten å ty til plastiksk kirurgi o.l.
Leve ut fullt potensiale, er det vel de snakker om

Og det er jo en god tanke, det! Tror ut fra hva jeg har lest på nettsida, og spørsmålene som blir stilt i testen at de har noe å fara med.
Vi er jo meget godt på vei vi lavkarbere:D
Tror hele enigmaen om å leve godt å lenge er å sørge for god cellefornyelse. Og der tror jeg vi gjør noe riktig. Fett og proteiner og aminosyrer og godt med vann skal vel, om jeg ikke er helt på viddene, være godt for det.


Nille sa for siden:

Da bomma de stygt på meg da, som ble 8 år yngre....:p


Huldr sa for siden:

De reklamerer heftig for en sånn alderskalkulator på NRK for tida ... ligger vel på nettsidene deres hvis noen er interessert :)

Den er vel iallefall reklamefri ... :p


Photobscura sa for siden:

Hehe, tror jeg likte "grow youthful" sin bedre, dette er resultatene jeg fikk på nrk puls sin test, som bare besto av rndt tjue spørsmål:
Din alder i dag: 27.66 år
Din alder i dag, justert for din helse: 30.4 år

...for "moro skyld" tok jeg testen igjen, men krysset av for ikkerøyker. da ble alderen min to måneder mer enn min kronoligiske. Well well. Det er vel håp i framtiden, da:)


Hege_ sa for siden:

Kronologisk alder 34, biologisk alder 31. Ble veldig fornøyd jeg.

Congratulations! The way that you are currently living your life should slow the rate at which your body is ageing. You should already look, feel and act younger than your chronological age

You seem to be in good physical and mental health, feeling good about both yourself and your body. You should be able to live a fulfulling and independent life

Grow Youthful provides hundreds of tips on how to continue to slow your rate of aging and enjoy total health - even at age 34, and even in your good state of health!

General Health. Good result with scope for improvement. You are aging at a rate faster than you need to

Immune System. Excellent

Toxic Load. Good result with scope for improvement

Body Fat / Weight. Below average. However, this difficult area will become easy to maintain and less of a concern when the other significant diet and lifestyle variables in Grow Youthful are brought under control

Exercise. Scope for improvement

Stress / Expectations. A good result; a different outlook on life will further slow your rate of aging

Food & Digestion. Scope for improvement in this crucial area. Without effective digestion the benefits of an excellent diet are wasted. Other positive factors which you may have in your life, such as good exercise, lifestyle and outlook, will also be less effective

Gender Specific. Not yet benefiting from many of Grow Youthful's recommendations

BMI: 23.9. You are on the heavy side of normal. This gives you a reasonable prognosis for longevity and good health, especially if a high proportion of your body weight is muscle rather than fat. However, to optimise your chances of a long life and total health, you could lose a little more body fat. Grow Youthful will help with changing the dietary, exercise and many other aspects of your life developing a pleasureable and enduring new way of living with a slim, energetic, good looking, long-lived body


Borealis sa for siden:

Ville jo teste denne, men får ikke registrert meg...måtte visst gjøres først...hmpf...


Photobscura sa for siden:

var alt registert hos nrk, jeg, så det gikk fint.:)


Havregryn sa for siden:

Your chronological age is 43

Your biological age is 36

Congratulations! The way that you are currently living your life should slow the rate at which your body is ageing. You should already look, feel and act younger than your chronological age

You seem to be in good physical and mental health, feeling good about both yourself and your body. You should be able to live a fulfulling and independent life

Grow Youthful provides hundreds of tips on how to continue to slow your rate of aging and enjoy total health - even at age 43, and even in your good state of health!

General Health. Good result with scope for improvement. You are aging at a rate faster than you need to

Immune System. Excellent

Toxic Load. Your lifestyle and habits have resulted in a low toxic load on your body

Body Fat / Weight. Changes in your weight and body fat have been well maintained, but scope for improvement

Exercise. Excellent regime in place

Stress / Expectations. A healthy, long-life outlook on life

Food & Digestion. Excellent

Gender Specific. A good result but not yet performing and enjoying some of Grow Youthful's recommendations

BMI: 25. You are on the heavy side of normal. This gives you a reasonable prognosis for longevity and good health, especially if a high proportion of your body weight is muscle rather than fat. However, to optimise your chances of a long life and total health, you could lose a little more body fat. Grow Youthful will help with changing the dietary, exercise and many other aspects of your life developing a pleasureable and enduring new way of living with a slim, energetic, good looking, long-lived body


Aline sa for siden:

På nrk sin ble jeg kun 0.1 år eldre enn jeg egentlig er, så jeg er happy :D ;)


jeef-micro sa for siden:

Din alder i dag: 27.78 år
Din alder i dag, justert for din helse: 28.2

kanskje ikke så rart når de spør om man bruker blodsukkerstabiliserende medikamenter da :p


Charmtassen sa for siden:

Har foreløpig bare tatt den opprinnelige testen her, og - bombe - jeg er 46 år! Det visste jeg jo, da ... :p
"Your chronological age is 46
Your biological age is 46"


Karin sa for siden:

Jeg har kronologisk alder 51, biologisk alder 47. Den er jeg fornøyd med. At det er noe å hente på å begynne å trene, visste jeg jo godt. . .

NRK-skjemaet fikk jeg ikke opp ordentlig, vet ikke hvorfor. Jeg ER registrert, så det er ikke det.


Traxior sa for siden:

Your chronological age is 28

Your biological age is 38

Men at jeg kom til å sette en ny standard her visste jeg jo på forhånd siden jeg er en singel sykemeldt overvektig person. Er ganske så sikker at jeg hadde vært 6-7 år yngre hvis jeg hadde hatt ett aktivt sexliv og kunne trent noen timer i uken....


blåbær sa for siden:

Jippi! Jeg er 24 på biological og chronological, og det til tross for lite trim og overvekt! :) Hurra for meg...


donjuanwannabe sa for siden:

Jeg ler godt av den reklamen på nrk om biologisk alder der den gamle damen har fått tak i en ung "hingst" og han er 10 år eldre enn henne pga av at han ligger på sofaen og spiser sjokolade og han har elendig helse med stor mage osv. :D :D


blåbær sa for siden:

Ja :) den er morsom!

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