Nille sa for siden:
For de av dere som bruker eller ha bestilt Splenda, kan det være greitt å vite hvor mye splenda i forhold til hva, - og hvor søt er en ts ?
Vet ikke om det er noe interessant, - men jeg kom over dette og poster det allikevel (rolig dag på jobben)
Splenda Conversion Chart
1 Cup = 16 Tablespoons = 48 teaspoon = 24 packets
3/4 Cup = 12 Tablespoons = 36 teaspoon = 18 packets
1/2 Cup = 8 Tablespoons = 24 teaspoon = 12 packets
1/3 Cup = 5.3 Tablespoons = 16 teaspoon = 8 packets
1/4 Cup = 4Tablespoons = 12 teaspoon = 6 packets
1/8 Cup = 2Tablespoons = 6 teaspoon = 3 packets
1Tablespoon = 3 teaspoons = 1.5 packet
The caloric and carbohydrate content for SPLENDA ® Brand Sweetener is as follows:
SPLENDA ® Granular
1 tsp = 0.5 gm carb = 2 calories
one half cup = 12 gm carb = 48 calories
1 cup = 24 gm carb = 96 calories
*1 tsp. = 1 serving
Packet of SPLENDA ®
1 packet = .9 gm of carb = 4 calories
*1 packet has the sweetness of 2 tsp of sugar
Note: Per U.S. labeling laws, anything with less than 5 calories per serving, is properly labeled as "zero" or no-calorie.
Note: The calories and carbohydrates in SPLENDA ® No Calorie Sweetener comes from dextrose and/or maltodextrin, which are added for bulk. Sucralose the sweetening ingredient in SPLENDA ® Brand Sweetener, has no calories and is not a carbohydrate.
Granular - sucralose, maltodextrin (0.5 gram per serving)
Packets - sucralose, maltodextrin and dextrose (less than 1 gram per packet)