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Write deeply, Heal deeply

By Robert Yehling
Fra: June 2004 - Science of Mind

Brenda walked through the door, a bright-eyed, longhaired, tanned Southern Californian. She appeared to be in perfect health. She decided to embrace her creative process in a "Writing Your Inner World" workshop—or so she thought. Every time the issues of fear and "holding back" came up, those evil twins of creative writing and deep healing, Brenda perked up. All of her questions during the three-hour workshop concerned her fears of "getting my writing out there, where people can read it."

Brenda approached me after the workshop. "What is it about showing your work to people that you're afraid of?" I asked.

"I'm afraid people won't like it, or somehow they won't like me because of it."

"Can I see something you've written?"

Brenda opened her journal. I read briefly.
"This is wonderful.. .it would grab anybody," I said.

"I just don't know what people will think of my deepest heart feelings."

"Are you afraid of opening your heart to people you don't know?"

"I guess that's what it is, yes."

I felt a breakthrough in the midst.
"Has this also happened with relationships and interactions with people you know?"

Brenda looked down again, then looked back up. "Yes."

"It just feels safer to hold it close to your chest?" I asked.

"That's what I do. I know deep down I want to get it out, but I just can't bring myself to do it."

"When you feel like you need to express it, but don't, does a part of your body tighten up?"

She nodded.

"What part would that be?"

"My chest. My heart."

I nodded. A moment later, Brenda's brown eyes filled with tears.

She cupped her chin. "Oh, my God."

Brenda was suffering from an aggressive form of breast cancer. Her long brown hair was a wig. Her outward condition was the result of taking runs on the beach while suffering from the after-effects of chemo. Inside, she hid an awesome gift of God—the ability to write so beautifully that her words could peel granite off the hardest of hearts. It was killing her.

... (tenkte jeg skulle avslutte her...

men så tenkte jeg at det kansje var kjekt å høre hvordan det gikk!! :) ) ...

Brenda realized that her inability to share these stories with others was subtly contributing to her illness. She held this writing, and all of her deep emotions, close to her chest—the location of breast cancer. She wrote intense, beautiful, and sometimes wrenching material, exactly the sort of stuff we need to get off our chests and share. However, a deep fear of rejection, caused by past relationships and others' expectations, prevented her from hitting the proverbial "send" button.

Within six months, after supplementing her medical treatment with a regimen of exercise, meditation, visualization, holistic healing, and journaling, Brenda received great news: her cancer was gone.


Har du noe du holder igjen? Inni deg selv? :)
Jeg har masse...


Anne sa for siden:

Å ja...mengder av tanker og følelser....


Albertine sa for siden:

Noen ganger klarer jeg faktisk å få ut det jeg mener, andre ganger sitter det godt fast.


Summer sa for siden:

Å, denne har virkelig fått meg til å tenke på allt jeg er redd for å dele...

Det er jo farlig å dele for mye, - da kunne jo noen finne ut av hvem jeg er... Og tenk om de ikke liker det de ser? Da er det vel bedre å ikke dele og vite at de som missliker en tar feil... :snill:
Ja... som sagt: mye å jobbe med der ja....


Summer sa for siden:

Nå har jeg jo virkelig delt noe... :boat:

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